Sustainable features

The Courtlands development will seek to incorporate a range of sustainable features and initiatives to lessen the impact on the environment and enhance the quality and quantity of green spaces in and around the site.

Sustainable features and initiatives could include:

  • Homes will be energy efficient and insulated to minimise gas and electricity consumption
  • Water recycling and alternative energy sources, such as solar and air source heat pumps, will be considered
  • Use of sustainable building materials
  • Replacing the existing concrete surfaces with permeable surfaces will allow water to drain into the soil rather than into the drainage system
  • Green spaces will be created with gardens and communal landscaping
  • Wildlife will be encouraged by planting native species and providing  bird and bat boxes on buildings
  • Alternative transport options will be encouraged.  The site’s location on bus routes and the provision of footpaths and cycle paths, along with secure lock-ups for bicycles, will make it easier for people to walk and cycle and use public transport rather than drive
  • Recharging pods for electric cars

It is also worth noting that the site is a brownfield site – that is, it has already been built upon – so new homes can be provided without sacrificing the natural landscape.

If you have any comments or queries about The Courtlands development, please get in touch.