Outline Approval

We have now obtained agreement from the local authority for our outline scheme.  This agreement is subject to a legal agreement which will control areas of the final development, such as the delivery of affordable housing.

The outline agreement sets out Scale and Layout, Landscaping and Access. All other matters such as materials will be agreed at the second planning application stage which deals with ‘Reserved Matters’. The outline approval will also be subject to Conditions of Approval, which will be set out in the final Decision Notice. These Conditions will also need to be discharged as part of the Reserved Matters planning application and will offer the opportunity for both the local authority and the local community to comment and shape the final development.

What is approved as part of the outline agreement?

The scale and layout of the outline approval encompasses the number of new homes, areas of private gardens and driveways, allocated and visitor parking spaces. The outline agreement will provide a total of 136 new homes with a 30% allocation of affordable homes and a total of 142 parking spaces.

The outline agreement also includes the landscaping design which sets out the proposals for public planting, surface water and improvements in site sustainability.

Finally, the outline agreement sets out the proposals for access which include provisions for vehicle, pedestrian and cycle access, cycle paths and pavements, entrances and exits into and out of the site and access for emergency vehicles.

All of the approved plans and accompanying documents are available below. These provide the detailed plans, and accompanying Design and Access and Planning Statements, together with the supporting reports that have framed the design proposals.


If you have any comments or queries about The Courtlands development, please get in touch.