
The Courtlands is a development site on Courtlands Road in Eastbourne, within easy walking distance to the town centre, the railway station and the seafront.

The site was first developed in the 1970s and for many years has been home to the retail outlet ESK.  Now that the store has come to the end of its lifespan, the site is being put forward for regeneration to provide much-needed homes with parking, gardens and communal landscaping.

We have now obtained agreement from the local authority for The Courtlands outline scheme. This agreement is subject to a legal agreement or Section 106, which will control areas of the final development, such as the delivery of affordable housing. The S106 is currently being drawn up. The outline approval will also be subject to Conditions of Approval, which will be set out in the final Decision Notice. These Conditions will need to be discharged as part of a second planning application and will offer the opportunity for both the local authority and the local community to comment and shape the final development in terms of design and materials.

Regenerating the site would have many benefits including:

  • New homes
  • A reduction in traffic in the area
  • Improved appearance
  • Positive ecological impact

If you have any comments or queries about The Courtlands development, please get in touch.